Case Study

Urgent crisis management following a European terror attack

Services involved:
Active Threat Monitoring
Crisis Response and Advisory

We were engaged by a global hospitality firm to deliver a 90-day transformation programme around crisis management following high profile terrorist attacks in Europe.

This programme included delivering general security and emergency training to over 1,000 staff, reviewing and revising their current crisis management plans on an interim basis, and advising on the deployment of emergency security measures to protect their guests and colleagues across Europe.

This then formed the basis of a longer-term strategy to prepare the organisation for crisis, and to set the scene for a ‘step change’ in how the client’s organisation deals with high impact threats like terrorism and organised crime.

Project leads
Jake Hernandez
View profile


  • General security and terror response training for over 1,000 staff
  • Improved processes, teams and technologies for an interim period to deal with emergencies while a larger strategy was developed
  • A single point of contact for advice on emergency security projects to protect their guests
  • Greater situational awareness around the threat environment in Europe through social media monitoring and analysis for the duration of the engagement to kick-start intelligence management

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Active Threat Monitoring
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Threat Intelligence
Threat Assessment
Active Threat Monitoring

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