Lydia Stead
Lydia has extensive knowledge of conducting risk assessments, carrying out comprehensive due diligence projects, and delivering open-source intelligence - frequently in high-risk countries.
She holds an MA in Science and International Security where she focused on homegrown radicalisation and weapons of mass destruction.

About Lydia
Lydia is an expert in security and threat intelligence with a focus on geopolitics and emerging threats. She routinely works on comprehensive Due Diligence projects, country risk assessments and open-source intelligence. This often involves managing a significant human source network and working in high-risk countries.
Lydia began her career at Control Risks, where she was part of a specialised team utilising advanced open-source research to provide risk profiles of individuals or groups that posed a threat to a major tech client.
Academically, Lydia holds an MA in Science and International Security, with a focus on homegrown radicalisation and weapons of mass destruction. Her thesis, which was awarded a distinction, explored the pivotal role of social media in the proliferation and normalisation of far-right extremism.
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