Case Study

Asset tracing in support of litigation in £100m fraud case

UK, Europe, CIS
Services involved:
Asset Tracing
Criminal Investigations
Crime Response

A group of victims had been defrauded by the defendant in the case, losing over £100m in a fake investment scheme.

The defendant was originally from the CIS, however had links with Europe, the UK, and the USA.

Our team were instructed to assist in identifying assets that could be seized following a successful judgment.

The process

Our team used a wide variety of datasets, and local assets, to build an asset profile of the individual. This involved careful corporate affiliation and stakeholder mapping, to identify current corporate assets in jurisdictions where enforcement could be made.

We also conducted wide ranging enquiries in numerous jurisdictions, to obtain additional information, and obtaining local filings to identify further assets, including properties, companies, private jets and other luxury items.

As a result of these enquiries, our team were able to also map out the mechanics of the fraud, and identify how stolen funds were moved, and into which jurisdictions – this gave a vital timeline to support any court applications.

Our team also conducted covert enquiries, conducting discreet enquiries and other covert methodology to identify further assets, link the subject to properties and companies in the UK, and support the service of legal papers.

The result

As a result of our enquiries, our team were able to identify over £75m of assets linked with the defendant. This, along with the analysis around the mechanics of the fraud, ensured that a settlement agreement was reached and the victims recovered a substantial amount of stolen funds.

Project leads
Simon Davison
Director of Investigations
View profile


  • Identified evidence of criminal activity.
  • Identified substantial assets.
  • Supported a successful outcome for the clients and recovery of stolen funds.

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US, Europe, Middle East, Offshore
Asset Tracing
Litigation Support
Due Diligence
United States, the Gulf, east Africa and Europe
Asset Tracing
Human Source Intelligence
Criminal Investigations

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