Case Study

International cryptocurrency investment fraud investigation

London, UK
Services involved:
Crypto and Blockchain Analysis
Due Diligence
Asset Tracing

An individual based in London was the victim of a sophisticated cryptocurrency investment scam. The individual had made several large payments, totalling over £650,000 in multiple cryptocurrencies to fraudsters, thinking that that these were legitimate investments.

Our investigations team were able to identify, analyse and track our client’s funds across the blockchain, to identify exits where the perpetrators cashed out. We produced cohesive, comprehensive and visual analytical reports, along with expert witness statements, to support court proceedings. As a result of these court orders were obtained, leading to disclosure of Know Your Customer and other supporting documentation and information from several exchange services.

We reviewed the information that was disclosed, conducted in-depth analysis, and collated a large amount of information from a wide variety of sources, including official records from the UK. We uncovered vast amounts of adverse media and identified that a linked company were the subject of an international law enforcement investigation.  This process assisted in identifying tangible assets and supported ongoing litigation against those involved in organised criminality.

Project leads
Marlon Pinto
Director of Investigations
View profile


  • Carried out robust evidence gathering suitable for High Court proceedings
  • Identified and traced the client’s cryptocurrency across the blockchain
  • Obtained evidence against those involved
  • Supported the ongoing investigation and litigation

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US, Europe, Middle East, Offshore
Asset Tracing
Litigation Support
Due Diligence
United States, the Gulf, east Africa and Europe
Asset Tracing
Human Source Intelligence
Criminal Investigations

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