Covert investigations to identify a defendant responsible for defamatory online posts

AnotherDay was tasked by a specialist law firm to assist in identifying an individual responsible for posting hundreds of defamatory tweets about their client.
The client, a business investor, was subject to hundreds of malicious tweets which they feared would cause severe reputational damage.
Our specialist Investigators forensically examined all Tweets associated with the user’s Twitter handle, in an attempt to identify the individual responsible.
AnotherDay investigators specifically examined the following:
- Language and specific words used
- Followers/common followers to reveal specific interests and potential connections
- Timestamps and dates of Tweets
- Geolocations of images
- Locations of interest
The information obtained through these methods was overlaid with traditional Open Source investigative techniques which led to the identification of key locations overseas.
Within 24 hours, AnotherDay deployed an Investigator, trained in covert methods, overseas into a remote area.
Local discreet enquiries were conducted, pinpointing the exact locations of where some of the Tweets originated from. Covert images were taken from these locations for comparison which were exhibited in an evidential format. This led to successfully identifying the defendant in the claim.
Active monitoring of the Twitter handle continued in the coming days to monitor the movement of the defendant to ensure that any service of papers was successful.
Within a few weeks, the AnotherDay team successfully served papers on the Defendant, who subsequently posted about it on Twitter, which was then further used in evidence.

- After working closely with the legal team, the defendant was ordered to pay damages to our client.
- Immediate stop to any defamatory Tweets by the defendant.
- All defamatory Tweets were removed.
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