Case Study

International human trafficking investigation

Gulf states and south Asia
Services involved:
Human Source Intelligence
Litigation Support
Political Risk Consultancy

We assisted a large charity in the combat against global human trafficking and exploitation.

Our experienced former law enforcement detectives launched a global intelligence gathering project to find methods and evidence in which global corporations may be involved in this illicit trade. Using Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) across the globe, our team were able to map out industries and networks involved.

The information and material provided was redacted, and information sanitised to ensure the CHIS’s remained anonymous and safe.

Project leads
Marlon Pinto
Director of Investigations
View profile
Simon Davison
Director of Investigations
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Jake Hernandez
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  • Intelligence map and report provided to the client to reveal that there is a strong case for civil or criminal litigation
  • Provided a degree of separation from a large charity involved in the investigation

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